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Supplements and miracle cures

Supplements and miracle cures

Supplements, miracle cures, doctors who see where there is no and endless speculation about our state of health. At present, it is difficult to know where the truth lies. Perhaps, if we stopped looking for all our solutions outside, we would probably realize much sooner that the solution first begins within us.

Today is Monday and we have to face the reality in which we live and with ourselves. The constant search for happiness and well-being insatiably takes us to places that we could not have imagined, because we all want to press the magic button that makes us feel good, now!

We live surrounded by paradigms in which well-being is sold like a drug, and we believe that by consuming pills, supplements or simply putting our trust in a doctor or therapist, who sometimes really does not know what is happening to us, we are going to solve our problems.

Cancer, fibromyalgia, hashimoto, hypothyroidism and an endless number of autoimmune diseases are just a sign that our body is screaming at us Wake up and change!

If you suffer from any of the diseases mentioned here, you will feel identified when reading these lines and we imagine that many times you will ask yourself, what is happening to me?

The reality is that there is no miracle cure, well-being and Happiness are the combination of mental, physical, emotional and energetic health.

You will be able to consume "5 liters of fulvic acid a day", which if you continue consuming junk food, surrounded by toxic people and sitting in front of the television without moving every day, it will be very difficult for you to see any positive results.

Food supplements such as Alcalina® - fulvic acid are the basis to begin to detoxify and begin to regenerate the body, but they cannot do anything to change your emotions, your thoughts and above all how you face your day to day.

Start by being aware that you want to change and take control of your life, health and well-being and you will find in fulvic acid an inseparable friend who will do for you what you cannot. Cellular regeneration and nutrition are the beginning of a change, to leave behind what we were and begin to experience a new way of living.

Remember only you can change, no one can do it for you.

For detailed information about our product, we have our YouTube channel where you will find informative videos where we explain everything you need to know about fulvic acid and its benefits. You can also download our dossier where you can find useful information on tips for use and recommended doses.

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alcalina®  minerales avanzados

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alcalina® minerales avanzados

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Alcalina® es un super-concentrado de minerales de ácido fúlvico (AF) y húmico en una solución bio-activa con pH11 (Alcalino). A diferencia de cualquier otro suplemento de minerales, Alcalina® contiene más de 70 minerales unidos a moléculas de carbono (Compuesto presente en todos los organismos vivos) lo que los hace extremadamente...


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