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Thyroid studies

Fulvic Acid and its Impact on Thyroid Health

Fulvic and humic acids are powerful natural tools for stimulating, nourishing and repairing thyroid function, addressing hormonal imbalances and promoting overall health. Medical research and clinical studies have demonstrated their potential to treat various thyroid conditions, including hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Graves' disease and Wilson's syndrome, as well as their ability to shrink thyroid tumors.

Major Discoveries on Fulvic Acid and the Thyroid

1. Thyroid Treatment with Fulvic Acid

  • Conclusion: Hospital-based studies demonstrated a 90.9% cure rate in cases of overactive thyroid treated with fulvic acid over a six-month period.
  • Reference: Yuan, Shenyuan; Tongren Hospital, Beijing; Fulvic Acid , 1988.

2. Thyroid Tumors and Fulvic Acid

  • Results of a Clinical Study:
    • Cases treated: 10 patients (3 men and 7 women, aged between 17 and 36 years).
    • Results:
      • 80% achieved complete cure after 2-3 cycles of treatment.
      • 10% achieved significant tumor reduction.
    • Methods: Use of syrup, tablets and injections of fulvic acid.
    • Benefits: Effective treatments without surgery, low costs and no complications.
  • Reference: Shenyi He, et al.; Humic acid in Jiangxi Province , 1982.

3. Fulvic Acid as a Thyroid Regulator

  • Identified Benefits:
    • In cases of hypothyroidism, the production of thyroid hormones increases.
    • In hyperthyroidism, it helps calm thyroid hyperactivity.
    • Stimulates the elimination of toxins, heavy metals and other endocrine disruptors that affect thyroid function.
  • Reference: Thyroid Explained : The Article You Wish You Read Years Ago - Dr. Nuzum.

4. Humic and Fulvic Acids in Rats

  • Results:
    • Stimulation of the immune system.
    • Mild hypothyroid effects associated with humic acid content.
  • Reference: Effect of fulvic and humic acids on performance, immune response and thyroid function in rats ( NCBI ).

Recommendations for Thyroid Health with Fulvic Acid

  1. Avoid toxins:

    • Eliminate sources of chlorine, fluoride and pesticides that interfere with thyroid function.
    • Switch to a diet rich in organic iodine from seaweed or fulvic acids.
  2. Optimize your diet:

    • Eat foods rich in tyrosine, an essential amino acid for the production of thyroid hormones.
    • Maintain an adequate mineral balance with the support of fulvic acids, which eliminate excess copper and other heavy metals.
  3. Additional benefits:

    • Fulvic acids balance endocrine functions, chelate heavy metals and nourish with minerals in natural, bioavailable forms.


Fulvic acid proves to be an effective natural supplement for improving thyroid health, whether by regulating hormone production, strengthening the immune system or eliminating accumulated toxins. Its continued use, accompanied by a balanced diet and healthy habits, can offer significant results in both the treatment and prevention of thyroid disorders.

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