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Lyme disease studies

Fulvic Acid and Its Role in Lyme Disease Management

Lyme disease, caused by the bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi and transmitted by ticks, can lead to long-term complications that affect the body's ability to detoxify. This leads to the accumulation of heavy metals and toxins, further complicating the clinical picture. Humic and fulvic acids have proven to be effective tools in removing heavy metals and improving detoxification after infections such as Lyme.

Heavy Metal Removal

  • Title: Supportive therapy in patients with Lyme disease
    Conclusion: Humic and fulvic acids can initiate detoxification processes, removing heavy metals from blood plasma in patients with Lyme disease.
    Link: ResearchGate

Control of Lyme-like Diseases

  • Title: Growing evidence of an emerging tick-borne disease causing Lyme-like illness in many Australian patients
    Conclusion: This paper highlights the lack of supplements such as humic and fulvic acids to control Lyme-like diseases, specifically that caused by Borrelia .
    Link: Senate Inquiry in Australia

Importance of Manganese in Lyme Disease

  • Title: Metal-dependent gene regulation in the causative agent of Lyme disease
    Conclusion: Manganese is essential for the body's metabolism and antioxidant system. Its role in Lyme disease suggests that a proper balance of trace minerals is crucial for recovery.
    Link: NCBI

Supportive Therapies for Lyme Patients

  • Title: Supportive therapy in patients with Lyme disease
    Conclusion: Patients with Lyme disease may benefit from supportive therapies that include the use of humic and fulvic acids for detoxification and restoration of mineral balance.
    Link: ResearchGate

Benefits of Fulvic Acid

Fulvic acid not only helps remove heavy metals, but can also promote healthy mineral balance and support the immune system, which is especially beneficial for people with Lyme and other similar diseases. Its ability to act as a natural chelator makes it a vital tool for recovery and overall improvement of well-being.

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