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COVID19, SARS & Influenza Studies


Fulvic and Humic Acid as Potential Treatments against COVID-19

Conclusion 1: Humic substances can activate the immune system to inhibit COVID-19.

Title: Humic substances as environmentally friendly organic waste potentially help as natural antivirals to inhibit COVID-19.
Document Type: Peer-reviewed journal article.
The information gathered suggests that humic substances (HS) act as immune modulators, influence redox status, and improve gut health. These properties include the ability to decrease pro-inflammatory markers and activate the immune system to inhibit COVID-19. A reduction in oxidative stress and an improvement in apoptosis are also observed in liver cancer cell lines, in addition to a positive influence on the gut microbiome. These properties indicate the potential of HS in immune-related diseases.
Link: Article

Conclusion 2: Mixtures of humic substances containing fulvic acid may possess antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2.

Title: Polyelectrolyte nanodispersions based on humic substances: isolation, physical-chemical characterization and evaluation of biological activity.
Document Type: Peer-reviewed journal article.
Natural polyelectrolytes derived from humic substances were found to be able to interact with metal nanoparticles forming macromolecular complexes. In in vitro studies, these complexes demonstrated the ability to bind to the SARS-CoV-2 S protein and significantly reduce the infectious titer of the virus in Vero E6 cells. The results suggest their efficacy in both virucidal and therapeutic schemes, showing selectivity indices (SI) between 11.90 and 57.33, which opens up possibilities for developing standardized drugs based on these substances.
Link: Article

Conclusion 3: Immunostimulatory and antiviral activities of fulvic acid against SARS-CoV-2.

Title: Preventing viral effect and enhancing immune system using Himalayan herbal plants and raw medicines in SARS-CoV-2 patients.
Document Type: Review article.
Fulvic acid and other substances such as humic acid, hippuric acid and benzopyrones present immunostimulant and antiviral activities, suggesting their possible mechanism of action against SARS-CoV-2, helping in the prevention and management of infections caused by this virus.
Link: Article

Conclusion 4: Compositions containing fulvic acid may be effective against COVID-19.

Title: The COVID-19 pandemic: A pharmaceutical race.
Document Type: Review article.
Compositions including fulvic acid, humic acid and benzopyrones have been used as natural strategies to treat COVID-19, showing therapeutic and preventive potential.
Link: Article

Conclusion 5: Fulvic acid may have potential as a drug against COVID-19.

Title: Interaction of drug candidates with SARS-CoV-2 receptors: An in silico study to combat COVID-19.
Document Type: Peer-reviewed journal article.
Using molecular docking, 24 ligands with four SARS-CoV-2 receptors were studied, identifying that fulvic acid interacts favorably with the Nsp9 replicase and the S protein of the virus, suggesting its potential as an inhibitor.
Link: Article

Conclusion 6: Fulvic acid has an antiviral effect against SARS-CoV-2.

Title: Biological and physicochemical characterization of humic and fulvic acid nanoparticles as a potential drug.
Document Type: Journal article.
Fulvic acid and humic substances suppress SARS-CoV-2 replication in cellular studies without being toxic, showing efficacy in prophylactic and therapeutic schemes, suggesting new biomedical applications as antiviral drugs.
Link: Article

Conclusion 7: Natural formulations with fulvic acid are effective in treating COVID-19.

Title: Protection against coronavirus infection using natural extracts.
Document Type: Patent.
Extracts such as Shilajit, rich in fulvic acid, are proposed to treat viral infections such as COVID-19. These formulations have high concentrations of active compounds that improve the immune system and mitigate viral effects.
Link: Patent

Conclusion 8: Fulvic acid may prevent cytokine storm in COVID-19.

Title: Reduction of cytokine storm and pathological inflammation, including that caused by coronavirus, with Sphagnum extracts.
Document Type: Patent.
Humic and fulvic acids along with Sphagnum extracts help prevent lung injury and severe inflammation by stimulating cell growth factors, specifically addressing cytokine storms caused by SARS-CoV-2.
Link: Patent

Conclusion 9: Fulvic acid supplemented with intranasal iodine inactivates SARS-CoV-2.

Title: In vitro efficacy of "essential iodine drops" against SARS-CoV-2.
Document Type: Journal article.
Fulvic acid combined with iodine in intranasal drops showed high in vitro efficacy in inactivating SARS-CoV-2, suggesting its potential to reduce transmission in patients.
Link: Article

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