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€56 per unit (2 months of use)



The best kept secret of the daily routine of the best entrepreneurs of the world's leading companies.

Science supports us - Fulvic Acid

With more than 70 minerals, vitamins, electrolytes, enzymes, probiotics and organic acids, this substance is able to cross cell membranes and deliver all these nutrients directly to cells. In addition, fulvic acid is 100% natural and has not been chemically altered or manipulated, so it does not contain additives, stabilizers or preservatives.

In our informative video we clarify all your doubts about how Alcalina can help you achieve all your goals.
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We propose a revolutionary change in your routine that will make your body recover the vital essence you need in record time.

Are you tired?

Increased energy, increased work productivity, improved concentration and development of cognitive health, in addition to better intestinal health, are the benefits that we can obtain in the short term.

Can't reach your goals?

Alcalina is a 100% natural supplement that, with just 10 drops a day, has helped thousands of people regain that vital physical and mental strength needed to develop new ideas and businesses.

Do you need a "Boost"?

The great difference between Alcalina and any other nutritional supplement is found in its organic molecular structure, since it is capable of crossing cell membranes and transporting all the macro-nutrients directly into the cells.

<tc>Alcalina</tc>® and its benefits

The main function of fulvic acid is to nourish each of the cells of our body, with more than 70+ minerals and vitamins, electrolytes and 20 organic acids, its daily consumption will provide us with great benefits for our body, including the following:


Improves energy, endurance and reduces oxidative stress.

It directly feeds the mitochondria that represent the energy production center of our body.


Enriches the body with more than 70 macronutrients

Minerals, electrolytes, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, probiotics and prebiotics.


Distributes and delivers nutrients directly to cells.

Due to its molecular weight, it is able to cross cell walls and deliver nutrients inside the cell.


Protects and improves cognitive health

Fulvic acid has a natural ability to reduce stress by removing toxins from your body


Restores the balance of cells

Promoting growth and regeneration.


Improves concentration and brain power.

The damage caused by free radicals is the main cause of aging and the general imbalance of human health, it is here that fulvic acid performs one of the most important functions (Cell regeneration)


Produces a higher VO2* max during athletic performance

It enhances the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during exercise which plays a key role in performance levels.


Regulates hormones and glands

Helps restore the endocrine system, regulating the glands and the production of hormones, including the thyroid gland. Studies have shown that fulvic acid combined with a balanced diet can restore thyroid function.


Eliminates toxins, pathogens and heavy metals from the body.

Being one of the best natural chelators, it is capable of easily eliminating excess toxins and heavy metals from our body at the cellular level. It transforms free radicals into nutrients and reduces levels of inflammation.


Increases collagen production by an average of 30%. Strengthens the nails and follicles of the scalp, resulting in greater thickness.

Strengthens the nails and scalp follicles resulting in greater thickness.


Improves all processes at the cellular level

Including muscle functions, digestive abilities, and the health of the heart and brain


100% Natural and organic plant-based

No additives, No preservatives, No preservatives. Suitable for vegans and vegetarians.


Balances the PH of the organism.

Alcalina offers a PH11


Improves gut health and immune function

Helps improve digestion and nutrient absorption. Rich in probiotics, prebiotics and natural enzymes.


Increased testosterone production

Fulvic acid increases testosterone, free testosterone and DHEA levels.

Become a guru of Cellular Nutrition

Alkaline guarantees you an absorption of 99% of all macronutrients at the cellular level, thus providing everything necessary for energy production.

Its low molecular weight allows it to access the interior of each cell and thus initiate the regeneration process of our body.

In addition to nourishing each of our cells, Alkaline has the ability to remove heavy metals from our body quickly and easily.
Image Product

- Fulvic Acid -
The 100% natural molecule that your body needs to develop your business.

The foundation of every business starts on the inside. Nourish, regenerate and cleanse your body with the product that has revolutionized the business industry. With more than 70 minerals, vitamins, electrolytes, enzymes, probiotics and organic acids, this substance is able to cross cell membranes and deliver all these nutrients directly to cells.

In addition, fulvic acid is 100% natural and has not been chemically altered or manipulated, so it does not contain additives, stabilizers or preservatives.


The supplement that has revolutionized the business world.

Ingredientes: 100% natural orgánico. El ácido húmico es un complejo de minerales, oligoelementos, aminoácidos, vitaminas y electrolitos. Así como el agua es agua, el ácido húmicos es una sustancia que no puede sintetizarse en un laboratorio, por lo que no tiene ingredientes. No es un producto diseñado por un equipo científico, es una sustancia de la naturaleza. Envasado según normas ecológicas y libre de agroquímicos. No irradiado y no modificado genéticamente No contiene productos químicos, aromatizantes, conservantes ni edulcorantes. Apto para vegetarianos y veganos.

Envíos y entregas: Los envíos se realizan desde nuestro centro logístico en Madrid, los tiempos de entrega suelen estar entre 24h y 72h dependiendo de la localización. Para envíos a Canarias entre 3 y 7 días. 
*Oferta exlcusiva con envío gratuito, cupones y bonos de descuentos no aplicables.

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Thousands of people already enjoy the benefits of <tc>Alcalina</tc>®

I started recently but I already notice brutal differences in my day! More energy, more vitality 💕 this supplement is nature's pure gold! In addition to having an amazing amount of minerals and vitamins and other beneficial substances! This is the product I've been looking for all my life but didn't know existed!! I was exhausted, I felt that my body did not follow everything I wanted, I always felt tired during the day, had no vitality and had no alterations in the analysis, no hormonal problem or any other medical problem that could explain my symptoms! But it was when I started taking alkaline that I felt much better! I feel myself again! I advise you to find out more about this great product and its many benefits, which are all described on their website 💕💕💕 It is important that it be used with water WITHOUT chlorine
He de decir que tenía pocas expectativas con Alcalina ya que llevo en el mundo de los suplementos durante mas de 10 años y nunca había oido hablar de algo similar. Soy empresario consolidado, apasionado de los deportes de riesgo, con familia numerosa y no paro ni por un segundo. Pero llego el momento en que muchos días no podía seguir al mismo ritmo, mi cuerpo ya no respondía independientemente de mi nutrición (me cuido mucho). Conocí a varios empresarios en uno de los seminarios que asistí a principios de año y entre conversaciones mencionaron varias veces Alcalina. Después de hacer un poco de investigación me decidí a probarlo y no me lo podía creer. Recobré mi esencia, mi fortaleza y mis ganas de seguir haciendo mas y mas. Desde la primera semana he estado al máximo nivel. Nunca he probado algo igual ya que no es un subidón de energía instantáneo, es mas sutíl pero duradero que poco a poco se va desarrollando dentro del organismo. Mi mujer también os lo agradece, :). Un placer haberos encontrado.
In my case we have been taking Fulvic Acid for more than 6 months, my daughter suffers from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and it is impressive how it helps her to have energy that we have not previously achieved with any supplement or vitamins, and to be able to take care of her it gives me the energy I need , my husband has also started taking it and my niece and they are also very happy with the energy it gives them , you can see the help it gives the body to detoxify it that is why I recommend that you try it it will surprise you 👏🏼
I have been a regular customer for more than a year, and I am delighted with your product. It's great for my energy levels, I don't get tired and I don't stop all day. I notice it a lot on my skin, I feel a lot more energy. It's fantastic !!!!

Do not wait any longer to start with the change that your routine needs.

With more than 70 minerals, vitamins, electrolytes, enzymes, probiotics and organic acids, this substance is able to cross cell membranes and deliver all these nutrients directly to cells.


Frequent questions

  1. How is Alcalina consumed?
    Alcalina is a Bio-Active solution and should be taken diluted (8 drops a day) with a full glass of water, without chlorine, on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. It is not necessary to keep it refrigerated once opened. Use preferably before the expiration date. During sporting events, add to a bottle with water or protein shakes.
  2. How long does each bottle last?
    Each bottle contains 60 servings for one person, which is the amount needed for two months of personal use. Alcalina® is the most powerful bio-active solution on the market. Our research and development team has managed to find the exact extraction formula and thus naturally obtain such a high concentration that it exceeds any other similar product by at least 30% more in purity. Get all the benefits of one of the richest and only sources of fulvic acid on this planet.
  3. Is Alcalina a medicine?
    Alcalina® is not a drug, it is a nutritional supplement based on macro nutrients extracted from plant matter. Fulvic acid is 100% natural and has not been chemically altered or manipulated, so it does not contain additives, stabilizers or preservatives. Its high alkaline pH means that this bioactive solution is naturally preserved without germinating fungi, bacteria or any other pathogen.
  4. Can I combine it with other supplements?
    The main function of fulvic acid is to nourish each of the cells of our body, with more than 70+ minerals and vitamins, electrolytes and 20 organic acids, also due to its molecular weight it acts by transporting other nutrients from food and supplements such as iron directly to each cell, making it an ideal product to combine with other nutritional supplements, protein shakes or detox juices.
  5. Does it have any side effects?
    Being a 100% natural product, it does not present any type of side effect. Because different people have different needs, each will respond in a unique way to consuming Alcalina®. For a few days after you start taking fulvic acid, your body may undergo a very gentle detoxification process that cleanses and revitalizes by removing the buildup of toxins from your body. In addition, you will gently begin to notice an increase in energy as well as greater mental clarity and a higher level of concentration. If you notice that you need to go to the bathroom more often or experience pain in your joints this is completely normal, these symptoms will gradually disappear naturally.
  6. How long should/can I take it for?
    Alcalina® is a nutritional supplement of organic origin from a natural source of plant macronutrients and unlike other synthetic supplements it does not cause any damage to our body (Kidneys-Liver) so we recommend our customers a minimum of 6 months to really obtain all the benefits in the short and long term. Once you begin to experience the benefits Alkaline will become part of your daily routine throughout your life since, being an organic compound, it can be consumed daily for an unlimited time without any type of contra-indication.
  7. Keto Diet - Looking for an electrolyte supplement?
    Alcalina® is the most powerful and effective 100% Natural organic electrolyte of vegetable origin that exists for any practitioner of the Keto diet. They also have an ionic charge that adheres to toxins and eliminates them, as well as having powerful antioxidant properties that eliminate heavy metals from the body. Alkaline is a liquid mineral complex (PH11) that provides super electrically charged electrolytes in a bio active solution with more than 70+ trace elements.
Get it on time! Order it before 11 am and you can receive it with free delivery in two days. For any questions send us an email
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